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基本功能 These cookies are required for technical reasons to ensure that the website functions correctly. It involves the anonymous storing of data that is required for you to be able to use our website. For example, it allows us to ensure that your chosen language settings are retained for your next visit to our website.
分析 This enables us to carry out a website user analysis so that we can optimize the content and the setup of our website for you. We use your data to better understand how you use our website and to improve your user experience.
个性化 These cookies are required for technical reasons to ensure that the website functions correctly. It involves the anonymous storing of data that is required for you to be able to use our website. For example, it allows us to ensure that your chosen language settings are retained for your next visit to our website.
BR 系列实验室电源允许将输出电压从 0 调节至 250 Vac,无级调节,用于测试电路。输出电压与电网隔离,电源开关带有背光。外壳具有嵌入式节省空间的侧手柄,可堆叠以节省空间。
› 条件限制 防短路
› 模拟电流和电压显示
› 前方输出保险自动装置 可操作
› 手柄,带保护插头的单元连接线缆,适用移动应用的保护插座
请致电: +86 (0) 512 57 98 2966