EasyB: Nominee for Best of Industry Award 2017

For the second time, MM MaschinenMarkt awarded the high-ranking industry award "Best of Industry" in 8 categories. Qualified have been only solutions that have already won an industry prize or have received outstanding market response.
After a successful market launch and the nomination for the Hermes Award 2016 of the Hannover Messe, the success story of EasyB continues: The modular 24 V circuit breaker system EasyB was nominated in the Automation category. The innovative combination of extremely narrow width, very high current-carrying capacity, automatic addressing and additional switch-on function did not only convince jurors.
Among the top three, EasyB from BLOCK was next to solutions from Rittal and Harting. The winner of the "Best of Industry Award 2017" was selected by a jury of experts, the MM editors and a reader vote.